Signe homme
Signe homme
That infection – acute or chronic – an organ that is part of the urinary tract: bladder (reservoir of urine), kidney (which makes the urine), the urethra (located under the bladder that allows the evacuation of urine), or prostate (a gland surrounding the urethra in men).
For anatomical reasons, urinary tract infection is more common in women. Indeed, in women, the urethral opening is near the anus where bacteria are always present. These bacteria can ascend along the urethra to the bladder and multiply in the urine.
The man is relatively protected from urinary tract infections by the distance between the anus and urinary opening-hole at the tip of the glans-(the length of the urethra is on average 16 cm, while that of the female urethra is 2 cm). Urinary tract infection is more often in his translation of an abnormal urinary tract, especially the existence of an adenoma of the prostate (which causes stasis of urine in the bladder).
The urine is indeed a good culture medium for germs.The body defends itself against urinary tract infection by the emptying of the bladder: an adequate water supply to ensure good urine flow is critical.
More rarely, urinary tract infection is caused by a malformation of the urinary system (increase in urine from the bladder to the kidney, for example) or gynecological (flanges of the hymen).
Before the age of 50 years, the infection is often due to unprotected sex. Among the older man, the most common cause is the presence of an enlarged prostate (BPH) that compresses the urethra and results in stasis of urine in the bladder.
All obstacles to the flow of urine are factors of urinary tract infection: urinary tract cuts, calculations, disease of the bladder neck, prostate disease in men, urethral stricture, etc. .
Finally, some neurological dysfunctions of the bladder, infections of adjacent organs (gynecological, anus) all laborers and intra-urethral (urinary catheters, for example) are rarer causes.
Typically, the bladder infection (cystitis) is manifested by burning during urination and frequent urination. The urine is sometimes disorders, bleeding and / or smelly. There is often pain or heaviness in the pelvis.
The kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is responsible for general symptoms: high fever of 39 ° -40 °, chills, impaired general condition. Associate themselves with back pain can be bilateral. Sometimes these are also signs of cystitis.
The infection of the prostate (prostatitis) results in burns urinating and frequent small volumes of urine. There are also a high fever, chills, and sometimes flu-like symptoms (muscle or joint pain). There may be a discharge of pus from the urethral opening. The urine may be cloudy and smelly.
The examination noted the presence of LUTS suggestive of the existence of previous episodes or disease (s) associated with (s). The review seeks above all fever (pyelonephritis, prostatitis).It covers the pits lumbar (kidney tenderness when pyelonephritis), digital rectal examination in men (prostate and painful inflammatory prostatitis cases) and pelvic examination in women (flanges of the hymen? infection?). In case of prostatitis, look for a globe (complete blockage of the bladder) by abdominal palpation.
The urine culture (urine culture) confirmed the diagnosis by identifying the bacteria whose sensitivity to several antibiotics tested (sensitivity). Its outcome depends on the conditions of collection.
In the case of acute pyelonephritis, it may be necessary to perform a radiological assessment (radio abdomen, renal ultrasonography) in search of a predisposing cause (calculation example).
Any urinary tract infection with fever (pyelonephritis, prostatitis) may be complicated by sepsis (from bacteria in the bloodstream), with a risk of septic shock (failure of vital organs), which requires care in ICU.
Prostatitis has complications that are particular acute urinary retention (complete blockage of the bladder) and the spread of infection to the testicles (orchitis).
In cases of acute pyelonephritis or acute prostatitis, it is usual to prescribe antibiotics for 2-3 weeks. Antibiotic therapy must be tailored to the results of susceptibility testing.
In case of high fever, altered general condition or complication (sepsis, renal abscess), hospitalization is necessary for intensive medical monitoring. A double is often prescribed antibiotics intravenously 2 to 3 days before relaying by tablets.
In the case of an obstacle by pyelonephritis (kidney obstructed by a calculation example), an intervention drainage is indicated urgently in order to save the vitality of the kidney. This is achieved by natural means the most.
Because multiple factors are involved in facilitating the contamination of the bladder, simple hygiene advice often enough to get rid of cystitis in women during sexual activity:
Forum Health Forum Psychology Forum Nutrition
The mystery, fear, adventure, the desire, the sense of being full, five criteria to help better understand what love is true.
Anna Waar
‘But why do you stay with him (with her)? ‘How many times have we asked this question to our friends mired in painful stories? How many times have we wondered what drove them to persevere in unsatisfactory relationships? No, that’s for sure, that’s not it, love. What is it then? A feeling that we would immutably happy?
Certainly not, says psychoanalysis. Love, the ‘real’ has nothing to do with serenity.Even after the course of the merger from the beginning, and contrary to what one might imagine, love, it’s not cushy, it capsized, it shakes, it mysteriously connects us to each other in an epic defies rationality. Exploration of some telltale signs.
Love is a mystery to those who live, a mystery to those watching. We note, but we do not understand. Why? Because what binds us to the next is unexplainable. Love really means going to someone, not just its image (its beauty, its resemblance to such and such), nor for what he symbolizes (father, mother, power, money ), but for his secret. This secret that we do not appoint, and who will meet ours: a lack felt since childhood, suffering strange, indefinable. ‘Love is for us unknown, says analyst Patrick Lambouley.
There is a void in us that may cause our loss, we push to kill us.Well, love is the encounter of two injuries, two faults, sharing with someone what we do not radically and we can never say. ‘True love is not’ Show me what you ‘or’ Give me what you have to fill what I miss, ‘but rather’ I like how you try to heal , I like your scar. ‘
Nothing to do with the assumption of ‘half orange’ declination of Plato’s Symposium (LGF, ‘The Pocket Book,’ 2008), which we would like incomplete because halved. The love we would then ‘one’ and happy! ‘It’s because of the forced bankruptcy of many couples, observes Patrick Lambouley. When some realize they still feel dissatisfaction, they think it’s because they did not find the man or woman that they ‘should’, and they must change. This is obviously not the case. ‘Love really is saying to another:’ You interest me.’
All these tests are wonderful! Except that, as noted by La Rochefoucauld: ‘It is true love as the emergence of minds: everyone talks about but few have ever seen. ‘
How informative article .. thank you!
Why when it comes down to desire, we always talk about the feminine? for us, the decline mainly concerned my desire mari.Mais by cons, the fact that love is not something very intense is in constant decline is so true! to say thank you!
Thank you for this article, the subject touched me and everything that was said was talking to some of what I feel now for someone that I met, it’s so beautiful. I believe that love is the most beautiful thing that can exister.Merci lot decides it can do without nne psychologies magazine, enlighten us and answered our questions.
… All this’ développement’donne really want to host and make love to receptacle. Big thank you to you
hello, I agree with the response of pussy is what I feel pr qq’1 now is the best thing that can happen to me only, as said, doubt appeared to me, is that it is this true, is this ….. , Joined our meeting article is inexplicable in its purest form, we live in our guts, our melee, our strong moments to be together, ‘stuck’ inseparable, but there is the reality that we catches up, we live not only with love and fresh water, but also equipment, basic needs to our existence as relations with others, what happens again, I would say that I have an invisible disability, and it takes me as I am, what is more the appearance that counts but the body to body, soul to soul, contact the exchange, dialogue is simply the self-giving, the gift of love shared only by two, I would like to share it live like we really kisses to you all
what I felt while reading this article a great joy for once so I retouve in an article about love.sensations described are exactly what I felt with my ex.
Really this article describes exactly what I felt for two years when I met my soul mate, really love is a miracle, the batton magic makes every rule in our lives. Hajar, 22
This article made me realize that I really like. I love and unfortunately it is a love ‘impossible’ … But at least I know that I love. And it’s horrible because I have experienced several times but never more so than the person in question. The LOVE is really a big A.
There is no love ‘impossible’ only love stories ‘impossible’ … And often, the major obstacle to these stories ‘impossible’ is ourselves, our fears, our prejudices . But true love is above these considerations: it is not necessary, it is there, both as evidence and as an exception to what was thought to what we imagined. After meeting him, one is never on (the) same, a disruption of the ego, the ego is no longer the center of our universe.There’s Me, He (She), and then rediscover the world that way. And sometimes, it was decided that the story is ‘impossible’, but with true love, there is a link forever, forever … And after just trusting to time and life.
Love is anything but relaxing. It transcends itself, it transgresses its limits, we supend this for what it vibrates, it connects, an attempt is beyond time, distance or even forgetting the other in this incredible strength and delicious so fiercely that is love. We love, we fear all the time, we suffer Afreux but there is more than ever. Know true love, one that binds, unites above all is thankful for all these beauties and the joys and make me say that I love you, I love you that I love you beyond this souffanceOh I feel so alive ……!
Feel alive, well that’s my phrase that always fail in a relationship, but now, I pledge to exist in a relationship with a failure I understood everything of myself to exist. ‘Be as myself, be true, I think it is the success of the relationship authentic.
Love is a perpetual conflict … I confess that I no longer … But I like it, but for fear of a failed relationship and chaotic, I prefer to stay’m not even sure if I can fall in love! It’s a little emptiness intérieur.Linda 41 years
Hello, as you explain it so well: ‘Love is an epic that defies rationality.’ Somewhere, I feel reassured because what I saw at this time. I think through your article I understood that it is useless to fight against what we can control, ie, feelings, and I am now because of a love / friendship in a complicated phase I would call the tormented like ‘I love you, I know it’s hopeless, but I love you and I can not help it.’ I believe in my heart that through the intensity of my feelings:alternation of enjoyment, ecstasy, total well-being and right now I’m in turmoil, feeling upset, feel-bad as the other deep I miss that feeling that keeps his distance, I no longer raises his interest … In short, I feel lost, unhappy, in fact I live in ‘true love’ that I read and that you describe so well in your article is exactly that. I found the address but this address is not free, I do not want to lose. Psychology magazine, thank you, thanks to you, I feel less pathetic and humane.
I also love and finally feel existed … we met on a dating site .. an exchange of comments out of the ordinary .. 1 … who wrote it feels African ds white skin …. we went to the same places in Ivory Coast … … more to him recently to a country at war … me 25 years ago: a paradise photos … faisiaent c’étaitlui me say that … the way he talks .. he likes everything I like .. the musik ke: Partik he .. he volunteers: me too .. after our telephone exchanges were increased to the voice jai also enjoyed …he went to volunteer, it was called … we sent each other text messages … it became very busy and the last 4 days there, I was not me because I also realized today juska a schedule full …. but it seems like it .. yet it does not yet seen sest jignore .. but still on his side Pourkoi there is no sign of life … I continue my life that CAAR Always was and nothing was concrete .. .. was it the virtual … yet I still have his word, his voice, his hope in me .. is this a dream?? but what I know is that jai feel like it, tell me that he is …???… I must back down to earth !!!… it was in Anyway Agik a moment, I very strong and positive even without a new I still love her … who knows ???..
Yes Love, the real is beautiful …. when shared, otherwise it …. hard.
I just stumble upon this article, and I prefer missed.Everything that is described here, I feel for someone I’ve known a few weeks ago and what is terrible is that for some reason totally incomprehensible to me this one, although still nice and friendly, has always been very distant with me to the point of not daring to look into my eyes when I talk to her. This situation is unbearable, especially knowing that I see her regularly and that my position does not allow me to speak frankly. I saw him last weekend and while I had to show her support of a few days ago for a problem in his family, I thought his behavior toward me would improve and that we could at least discuss such two normal but on the contrary, it was even more distant than before. So this whole misunderstanding, that nervousness, that attachment that I regret terribly (I prefer almost never have known), I am trying to convince me that every day ‘but no, I’m not in love …’ , ‘there will be more …’And to stop thinking about it I spend my time doing a lot of sports activity completely ridiculous … I am a student of 23 years, her head on his shoulders, and I never in a situation as complicated.
Grossomodo agree on everything except fear. I do not know if it was an article dedicated more to girls than boys (I am in the 2nd grade) but disagree on fear. I love when I experienced a fear of losing the other: it is intolerable. Fear paralyzes, but hey, maybe my reaction to fear is not that good, and I needed a shrink to accept to have exited this girl. In my opinion, love should be serene. I’m in love with you, and I myself am with you. I like the person you are, you love the person I am and have confidence. There is no question of seduction, to try to bluff to appear better than others. Who cares the ‘best’, we like the person you’ve just opposite. I am who I am, and the one you love. Ditto the other way (replace ‘the one’ by ‘those’).You do not belong to me so I have no reason to be afraid of losing you. You have chosen to live with me, I chose too, and every day, every minute of my shows, I am reassured of your arms, your eyes, your voice. We had a per … chance to meet at the time of our lives. It would perhaps not stuck if we had known before or after, was there at the moment of our lives, our experiences, our certainties and doubts. We knew each other recently and yet we knew everything about one another. Absently, naturally, over coffee that lasted 3 hours, it was open to one another, our setbacks, our problems, our desires and we had both liked what we saw without even realizing it at the time. Then one evening they had looked into their eyes and we said: well, yeah actually, frankly. Magic for real. Whatever the situation is complicated, you had children, I ekes out my life and have not a minute to myself. It was you, was me.It may seem like a story the other from the outside, but from the inside, it never is. Oscar Wilde summed up as, ‘the tragedies of others are still hopelessly banal. It also works by replacing ‘tragedy’ with ‘love stories’. I’m smart with my quote but I just spent 2 lead in the search on the internet in fact. In short, what we felt was sincere. It was agreed that mysterious miraculous love, we had incurred without doubt, the desire was there and we really felt there in the eyes of another. But fear not Y’avait place, and it was not even planned. Did you saw? I take the 5 points like this, mine rien.Ce ‘on’ is now finished, she was torn to shreds when we should support it. It’s faster to destroy than to review the design of a building under construction, but I can not and will not blame him. We both know what we lived, and I know she did not do that to hurt me, and it has done to him too. Love does not is experienced:it maintains, it is consolidated, protects, cares for you because we know how precious it is, and it is already on him while he is already testing. I’ll take a picture of the building (since I work a little in there, it’s easier to metaphor on the subject) to take the 4 points of the topic that interest me and send fear into the 22: it is a keystone without which nothing is possible. It is the key piece of a bridge that allows us to explore the mysterious bank opposite, it has agreed to commit to cross this bridge was the desire to go on this bank full promising , dreams, joys, sorrows, too, but mostly full of life. It feels alive in your eyes over there who are happy to find ourselves and curious to listen to us, that make us feel male or female. So instead of being afraid that everything collapses, I prefer to trust what I see, what I feel. This is not a blind trust is a trust in her, me, us.Of course the stone can crack, there may be a flaw we had not seen a tree falling on a tidal wave that sweeps everything and against which nothing can. It has happened before, and it will be again, it’s called life. Can barricade themselves in a bunker for fear, but the view is still more beautiful from the deck. There. Me, I’m not afraid. I have 4 points on 5 of the list and so I would not change. I do not live in fear. So I just trust. It changes nothing to the outcome, but the road is pretty much like that.
One question, why this love that we feel the true, the one and only, stops dead? and is what we love only once in his life?
Interesting article and the testimony of rognontudju leaves me thinking, as I’m in the opposite situation, having barely out of my bunker
what a relief this article and especially your stories. I thought I loved but now I’m sure. And no matter if it’s painful, it’s about love. I am the dark side of a man who has a wife.And I saw the situation very well, well, almost well, from time to time I become human, a simple woman, jealous, plaintiff’s various and varied things … from time to time. And some nights, where things are said, I do not know if I should be happy to have found my half, or sad not to be his. As my lover tells me sexually with his wife ‘is not exactly that,’ I should not be the ‘glue that totally,’ he regrets that our relationship is with us in complete harmony, that our physical bodies are made for each other, that my desire for him is greater than that of his wife … etc., etc. … Yet it is that he lives with. Although he needs me in his life … but number 2 ….. it’s so unfair to understand that we are soulmates, twins, telepaths, and yet we do not live together … or true happiness, true love is there? in frustration, the eternal need of the other? never have the certainty of the acquis, acquis which leads to routine, routine that leads to the end … I am happy and unhappy ….it makes no sense … I’m lost … I do not even know what I want, what I’m supposed to want. Does anyone understand it? Does anybody know what is right? Can I be as dependent on a man who goes to bed every night with another? Continue to stop? What is the solution? Your opinion really interests me, but I need to say but feel this feeling: to love each other, it is so beneficial … the only question is just like a love-it or should it be shared, not denied in any case … ?? Help me, all my energy goes into this relationship ….. I’m more objective. I say be happy but I guess these questions prove otherwise. I saw a relationship where I feel safe just because I am the perfect teacher, I do not ask the place of No. 1, I claim no weekend or holiday, I wait patiently for the No. 1 is not there to satisfy this and I weigh my words and my only love …. However, I know very well that it is not fair. So what should you do?can we be satisfied (or self-satisfied) a feeling such as love one-way, where am I just a coward?
Cocaline hello. It is always easier from the outside, so cold, I’ll tell you: breaking up. More démaguoguement, in my opinion disrespectful of you to yourself. What do you think of a man who sleeps from time to time with your daughter, says she is his better half, her soulmate, he is lucky to have met but do not want to leave his wife because it’s complicated and he does not want to hurt him? Who said he regretted having met her too late, after the woman with whom he lives, because with her (your daughter) would have been really happy to be alive but it’s like that and c ‘ is still great, right? You should see how the future of your daughter with a man like that? You imagine having children, building, see friends, feel free and happy? If you think that it gives life to his wife, you find it friendly? In place of the woman of this type, you’d rather what?Whether you have a frank, you were saying, and be able to say one day: I love you more, I met someone (although the fact of meeting someone is often an excuse to leave the person with whom you live, but it’s yet another debate) or he takes you for a bitch, you say he had a job later, he goes on weekends with friends and discover one day did he lied the whole time? Men are like women. It Hits the asset (didier super who said, to borrow a quote which is always good), forts, faithful in love and their values, and then cowards. S a lot but mostly the streets, even though I know it’s not where they want to see you got there right away. It always tries to situations of crap they tried to advance because we find it hard to say we have done all this for nothing, and they prefer to lie that we will succeed. We want to ever let go of what was invested in anything, because we have the impression of putting all our savings out the window. But why continue to pay a little more each month.A bit like if you had paid in advance to a hotel the other side of town when you could spend the night here with people you love, or even sleep here, but you got paid, then you gonna go. Well no, you’re going to go. You’ve already dropped 120 euros RESA, you will not let go a few more hours of happiness just for a cozy bed. Life is short, and deserves not to be wasted on bogus projects. We choose to stop a relationship, the same way we choose to continue it: every day. Every morning we say, well yeah, its just her, and probably does not even respect does not suffer place.The cowardice. Waiting is a waste of time especially if this expectation is only to postpone a tough decision, and yet already taken deep within us. I think I act. I reassure you, that’s the theory, and we are all under the same difficulty at the time to act, whether it does well, if you will not hurt if you’re not a big s …. But the right decisions, we know them inside us.A daughter very very much once told me: ‘Happiness is not out of the way, happiness is the way’ (that’s an African wisdom). For you to think, you have to ask yourself if this is your conception of happiness, it is perhaps. I’m not trying to tell you how to think, I’m just saying what I think of the situation, knowing that I do not know much really, and only you, even you only really know. For my part, I narrive not even try to win. But do not know how to solve a problem is not a brand of stupidity. Try not to see it is one. Courage. There are people who need to have worries to feel alive, to have something to talk about, to be able to complain about everything all the time (so Frenchy). It is their way of life, and maybe yours, it does not have friends or to advance or achieve great things. The revolt was often good. Our life is what one makes. It never (Well not) the fault of others.Nobody forces us to live with and if we would sometimes like to change, yet we know they can not change that for themselves. The only person on which to act, it ourselves, and it is already complicated enough (yes, see above). For others, it may just help them, discuss, communicate, exchange. They take what they can, what they want, and sometimes things that we would not have thought. Friends, family, we take them as they are because we think the same. But do not stop them for fear they deform, they take advantage of how nuclear fusion works to go bombs instead of trying to enlighten the cities. Sorry, I digress. I wanted to get to the point that you need to keep your weapons, especially if they are soaked in sincerity (oh, it’s pretty – yeah, I congratulates himself – that’s me writes: j ‘t the right). In my opinion, we can not fight alongside of a person whom does not like cheap shots.If we do not respect the same rules, maybe nothing will prohibit him from seeking to turn against us. It’s hard enough having to pay attention to what comes across, if in addition to teammates have to watch … For my part, I rather like to be able to trust the person with whom I live, but it must be my side homebody. Well, I hope it brings you a nice boggle the mind, I better not now. I ask no money, I’m not the head of a sect. I try not to make you think like me is just my vision, which is only one vision among many others. But hey, it’s mine, that’s how I saw it and I feel it is so easy to write pages. Happy brainstorming for questions and answers, and good luck for the decisions.
A symbol can be an object, a picture, written word, a sound or a particular brand that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention. For example, a diamond to symbolize a priority road.
Greek etymology and origin
The word ‘symbol’ comes from ancient Greek sumbolon (σύμβολον), which derives from the verb sumbalein (symballein) (syn-, with, and-ballein, throw] meaning ‘put together’, ‘join’, ‘compare’ ‘exchange’, ‘meet’, ‘explain.’
In Greece, a symbol was the original sense and a shard of pottery broken in two pieces and shared between two parties.To close out the contract, it was necessary to prove her as a contractor (or beneficiary) by moving the two pieces that should fit perfectly. The sumbolon consisted of two pieces of a broken object, so their meeting, by a proper assembly, constituted evidence of their common origin and therefore a very reliable sign of recognition. The symbol is also a password.
Pythagoreanism in the word ‘symbol’ means a word, a secret teaching, with its double face: an enigmatic expression and a profound sense. ‘He [Pythagoras] other lessons delivered in a mysterious form of symbols. Aristotle has recorded more than one, for example, Pythagoras called the sea ‘crying’ (Cronus?), The Bears ‘hands Rhea’ … There was another kind of symbol … ‘Do not pluck a crown, that is to say not to ruin the laws because they are the crown of cities,’ Do not go by the highway, ‘in which he defended to follow the opinion of the crowd. ‘
Figuratively, becomes the symbol of all that binds two representations of the same meaning. By derivation, the symbol is reduced to the image element or audible which is connected to a hidden meaning it signifies.
Thereafter, the forms of abstraction, such as language or gestures, could replace the objects in their function of representing a commitment, promise, covenant, contract, sealed a pact between two partners (eg, handshake will be the symbol of an agreement). In this sense, a symbol is therefore a sensitive subject that ‘pose side by side with’ an abstract or supernatural reality that it is intended to represent. The term ‘visible symbol of a comparison with the other term is invisible.
The antonym literally ‘symbolic’ is the ‘evil’, which divides (the Greek diaballein, dia-through, and ballein-throw, throw around, that is to say, divide, disperse, by extension confuse). The devil, literally, for the Greeks, the bar seems broken when immersed in water;figuratively, it’s deceiving. What is misleading to believe the fracture and falls under the illusion of the senses, is about the diabolical what brings, restores the unit or the entire original unveiling of meaning is the symbolic order . The Christian notion of Satan the tempter comes from the confusion of meaning with those of the rebellious fallen angel (Lucifer) of Judaism, Cheytan / Satan of Egyptian origin (Seth), Malin and Manichean.
The problem of magic, esotericism, myths, rituals, religions, ceremonies, beliefs and symbolism is that all these are part of popular culture. For example, the heart symbolizes love and the whole round, but they can be deflected from their function as social cohesion by cults. Thus, the swastika or the swastika symbol facing right life (in Sanskrit, swastika literally means ‘auspicious’ sign was lucky in China, India, Greece, and on the coasts of the Mediterranean) .It was hijacked by Hitler and by Claude Vorilhon, who was the symbol communicated telepathically with aliens and who founded the Raelian Movement sect. The American hero Charles Lindbergh aviation was painted inside the propeller hub of the Spirit of St. Louis (with whom he made the first crossing of the Atlantic) as a swastika can be seen at the Aerospace Museum in Washington, where it is exposed and presented as ‘an old Native American symbol.’
The symbols represent, as vivid and often whimsical, an object or event that has not, or more, the vision real and which one wants to give a particular meaning or to induce a belief. The Tower of Babel, for instance, was painted by different artists. According to Genesis, he was hoping to build a tower that the men to reach the sky. Descendants of Noah, so they represented all humanity and all were expected to speak the same language and unique on Earth, one and one Adamic language.To thwart their plans he considered full of pride, God multiplied the languages so that people no longer understand. And construction could no longer move and the men scattered on the ground. It is possible that the myth of the Tower of Babel was a ziggurat inspired a form that we can return now, and that its destruction is due to the erosion of mud bricks that composed it, though its builders were probably different origins and different languages. However the symbol guard entirely its value and moral sense.
Charles W. Morris sees four main uses for the sign: information, evaluation, stimulation, systematization.
From the Upper Paleolithic, we can hypothesize symbols. The use of red ocher, attested 280,000 years ago, is perhaps symbolic. Some signs of 35000 years old (bones of the shelter in the Dordogne Sergeac Blanchard) appear or symbols or representations of any evidence of solar cycles, lunar and stellar. We have amulets from 35,000 BC. ADIn some caves, there are hundreds of hand stencils (Gargas, Pech Merle, 25,000 BC.). Hunted animals (mostly deer) but above those observed without being hunted (cats, horses, bison) were drawn with great precision on the walls, arches and caves with the soil at depths where no man ‘ had not established habitat. These drawings were probably a symbolic and magical. The first cave-shrines (caves of Lascaux, Niaux, Three Brothers, the Portel) date back at least 16,000 BC. AD Humans were often represented as unrealistic as deliberately blurred, distorted. The same figures half-human half-animal are known.
During the Neolithic, from 4800 to 1300 BC. BC, man has erected megalithic monuments of earth and stones like the dolmens, tombs with a collective purpose to institutional cohesion of a community stable and sedentary that one may consider a company own right with its religious symbolism, rituals and magical ceremonies and culture.The megalithic monuments and temples that most could have an astronomical symbolism accompanying the discovery of the basic principles of astronomy (solar year lunar cycle, celestial cartography, measurement of time), mathematical principles leading to the development of astrology and divination.
With history, coinciding with the invention of writing in Sumer, circa 3200 BC. AD appeared the first myths and religious stories, magic, literature.
‘Symbols’ scientific
Here, ‘symbol’ has the meaning of logical-mathematical sign, writing formal, treaty-based (and not natural, as usually understood), he describes a certain physical quantity auxquelques are preferably assigned a particular letter the Roman alphabet or the Greek alphabet to make it more readable formulas. When several physical quantities of the same type exist, they are distinguished from one another by various typographical devices (subscript, superscript, etc.). Indices or exponents aside, these symbols are conventionally written in italics except for some special cases.Some examples: