Psychologue psychiatre
Psychologue psychiatre
Medical psychology, she tries to understand how the human psyche about the disease, the patient and the physician. The field of this discipline is thus both broader and different.
Psychosomatic illnesses and somatic complaints are that the onset and progress can be traced in part to unconscious mental disorders.
These are mainly asthma, eczema, ulcerative colitis, certain high blood pressure. The causes of these diseases are varied, but each time, a psychological factor, among others, may be incriminated.
For the general psychiatrist Henri Ey, ‘psychiatry is the branch of medicine that is to the pathology of the life of relationship, level of integration that ensures autonomy and human adaptation to the conditions of its existence. (…) The psychiatrist is neither a policeman nor a political activist, a doctor …’.
For Perlemuter, ‘psychiatry is the medical specialty that focuses on the pathological changes of cognitive activity and integrative brain, thyme or mood and emotion. It supports not only the intellectual and characterological disorders of the individual but also the disruption of the relationship he establishes with his entourage. ‘
When the patient comes to see himself, the psychiatrist seeks to define the symptoms that prompted the consultation: their permanent or intermittent, the existence of identical background etc..
In most cases, the patient is aware of his problems but he may be difficult to express them as neurotic manifestations are often judged by the subject as completely absurd.
Sometimes the patient presenting with somatic symptoms and the doctor will diagnose psychological disorder but will sometimes struggle to gain acceptance. Other times, the patient consults, persuaded to be normal, oblivious to his troubles, driven to desperation by his relationship problems with his entourage.
The psychiatrist must then locate the character structure of patient anxiety, relationship of dependency vis-à-vis the environment, emotional immaturity, sensitivity to the frustrations of neurotic order. Emotional withdrawal, disinterest evoke such a schizophrenic dissociation. Paranoid structure is known before the austerity of lifestyle, obedience to strict rules, the attitude of distrust.
Mythomaniacal trends are recognized at the difficulties of overlap, the tendency to minimize problems and roles of prestige.
When the patient is seen by the psychiatrist at the request of the entourage, the first patient is different and requires careful handling. Often the patient denies and disputes the description of the disorder is made.
Shyness refers to a neurotic inhibition, the hysteric adopts a spirit of seduction. One problem is fear of contact early schizophrenia. Is the paranoid psycho: he brings his medical records, taking notes etc..
They confirm the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders because of their negativity in particular as regards the electroencephalogram (EEG), CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging.
They can be global or partial, and are manifested by a loss of intellectual capacity in the broad sense orientation in time and space, language understanding, etc..
The overall loss events of interest immediately or gradually all integrative functions, cognitive and memory of the intellect:
By definition, these are diseases of the personality, minor severity, not involving serious behavioral problems and do not require hospitalization (internment).
Neuroses expressed by disorders in which patients are conscious and whose occurrence is related to psychological trauma (recent or old). The neurotic subject has an accurate perception of reality that surrounds him, his condition he can describe in general.
Psychotic subjects had a false perception of reality (delusions) and the world around him.He interprets the elements of the outside world in a sense.
Psychological imbalance is defined by acting out. From childhood disorders are obvious: lies, theft, running away prelude to delinquency. The problem of criminal responsibility is of course in the foreground.
The subject psychopath is unable to resist his urges, whatever they are. It works immediately, without thinking about the consequences of his act, which moreover do not matter to him. He lacks the capacity to anticipate, predict. It is often dangerous to society. That’s one reason to doubt the deterrent of the death penalty.
They are carrying out active pleasures or regressive fantasy that replace the normal performance of the sexual act and its enforcement genital:
This concept has gradually imposed on psychiatrists to describe subjects who, by their manner, their behavior and their relationship style were significantly different personalities so-called normal or routine provided without presenting symptoms of a mental disorder characterized.
For Schneider, the ‘personality disorders are purely quantitative deviations of the personality, statistically rare and whose attitudes and behaviors are a cause of suffering for the subject himself or his entourage.’
Five basic questions gnawing at each future patient. To better understand, we listened to the experiences of our readers and collected opinions of Sylvie Angel, psychiatrist.
Laurence Lemoine
Good resolution back: you do not back over before questioning necessary and beneficial. That decided, you will see a shrink! Yes, but which one? How to find it? How can I be sure not to fall on a charlatan?We asked our readers in this field, have experience to share. With comments from Dr. Sylvie Angel. Psychiatrist, she has published How to choose a psychiatrist and open a therapeutic center multidisciplinary Pluralis.
‘For my first psychiatrist, I opened the Yellow Pages says Nicole. Psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, psychologists: since I do not know their specific, I proceeded by elimination. A psychoanalyst? I did not want to take ten years. A psychiatrist? I was not mad, I just wanted to understand what was happening. I chose a psychologist. I had only criterion because it carries on in my neighborhood. The first contact was very bad. Clearly, she had personal issues to resolve. I have not returned. And it took me months before consulting another. ‘
The opinion Angel Sylvia: ‘To find a therapist, it is important to begin by asking advice.First, to disentangle, in the profusion of therapies, the type of treatment for your problem. Then to find the psycho who, through his experience and his personality suits you best based on your problems and your expectations. Avoid the anonymity of the Yellow Pages. You can, for example, ask your GP who knows you well and who is accustomed to send their patients to psychologists. He or she will recommend one. ‘
‘When I was fired, I went to see my psychiatrist friend Francis, says Anthony. A few months later, I fell in love with Natalie, a young woman that Francis had made. I spoke a lot during my sessions. In good therapist, the therapist remained on the reservation, but I felt that this craze for the young woman annoyed him. One day, Francis told me he moved in with Natalie. What a shock. My psychiatrist, who always received Francis always knew. He respected the privilege, but I felt betrayed, ridiculed. ‘
The opinion Angel Sylvia: ‘Visit a psychiatrist friend has certain advantages: it avoids the prospect and that friend can vouch for his skills therapist. But the case of Antoine illustrates the position in which a psychiatrist is whether two of his patients know: it can be trapped in a loyalty conflict that threatens his duty of professional secrecy. It’s even trickier when a psychiatrist receives two separate members of one family. If no indication of family therapy or couple has been asked, he should decline to do so. But you can consult the psychiatrist of a friend or relative for an interview. Depending on your problem, it will direct you to a colleague. ‘
I fear falling into a depression that keeps persister.Je do not feel like anything, feel inutile.Avant, I was super happy with my husband, we had twins in 2003, and nothing is as before, I do not know what to do except fuck me in the air ………
Evidence for CMP:I EETE followed during CMP in Paris (free) for several années.J have had a real change and I was very pleased with my appointment. An initial interview can be conducted by a psychiatrist to a psychiatrist or psychologist (or both) for your request. I EETE quite satisfied with this system that I very well oriented to time, consultations, psychologists, frequencies … I repeated my request in the provinces, after a move a year ago, with the CMP which I am affiliated with my address. Following two appointments to assess my case with a nurse, I am told by phone that he was agreed in committee that I had to point me to a psychiatrist and / or a psychologist in private because it is better for me. This is what I did not choose, but having been eliminated leaving a bitter taste to me: why do they not accept me? What are the criteria? Short, my advice, try to contact your PMC, this can be quite beneficial, if not, flee.
Psychologists are professionals in psychology, a discipline that encompasses many complex currents and practical clinical psychology, cognitive, behavioral, developmental, social, animal, differential, experimental, etc. … These various fields of applications gather around for the scientific study of psychic facts what psychology (generic term). The psychologist who specializes in a specific scientific power can be a professional psychic functioning and psychopathology, human behavior, personality and even relationships.
In France, the title of psychologist is protected and recognized by the state since 1985. In Canada the psychologist is a health professional holding a doctoral degree (PsyD. Or Ph.D. Clinic).
Psychologists are involved in all areas of society (education, health, social work, sports, etc.). To preserve, maintain or improve the well-being or quality of life of individuals and their mental health, develop capacity or promote social integration. Therefore, according to their specialization (clinical practice, career counseling, educational psychology, psychology, etc..), They use specific intervention methods based on various theoretical approaches.
Some national associations of psychologists have gathered since 2003 in the French Federation of Psychologists and Psychology (FFPP) but failed to unite the existing large organizations, such as SNP (National Union of Psychologists) …